+ Entre Dos Tierras DJs

Shepherd's Bush Green
W12 8TT
0844 477 2000
7pm Entre Dos Tierras DJs
9pm Estopa
Estopa is a Spanish duo, brothers José and David Muñoz, from Cornellà, Spain. Their songs “El Run Run” and “Cuando Amanece” reached number one on Billboard’s chart in Spain while “Con La Mano Levanta” reached number four; their style fuses rock, rumba, and flamenco. The band’s name comes from the expression their old boss in a car factory would use to keep the workers on their toes “Dale Estopa a la maquina,” (Crank it up!)
The band’s sound has been compared to that of Los Chichos, a Spanish rumba band; and for many, the band have inherited Manu Chao’s role as the band of choice of the young Spanish diaspora.
Their first album, Estopa, was released in October 1999 and one of its songs, “La Raja de Tu Falda,” became an instant hit. Estopa’s next album Destrangis, 2001, sold 250,000 copies in its first two weeks of release, leading to a tour of Latin America. In 2015, Estopa released their ninth album Rumba a lo Desconocido and their subsequent world tour has seen them perform in Bogota, Colombia, New York, Miami, Quito, Santiago de Chile, Cordoba, Buenos Aires, Malaga, Granada, Barcelona, Zaragoza, Bilbao, Valencia, Madrid and now London!
No under 8’s
Under 14’s must be accompanied by an adult 18+ and sit in the balcony
Under 25s require ID to purchase alcohol
Presented in association with El Iberico