
Belvedere Road
0844 875 0073
Direct from Buenos Aires, Melingo’s deep grouchy voice and his vividly sparse music well up from the world of tango in its early days. Sad, funny, intense, bizarre, fascinating, welcome to Melingo’s wry bohemian universe – a fabulous, boozy, theatrical milieu where Tolstoy, Kafka, Piaf, Brecht, Waits and Cohen might find solace and unsettled lodging.
Tonight Melingo launches his new album Linyera, offbeat love songs, sparkling with glints of the blues and tangos of old, vagrants’ tales sprinkled with snatches of bossa nova and candombe, atmospheric melodies summoning up musical spirits, now of Duke, now of Zappa, all plunging us into Melingo’s surreal universe. In the company of his band of itinerant musician-poets, he is a free-spirited, definition-defying artist at the very zenith of his powers. Part rocker, part flamboyant crooner, with a touch of the comedian, as well as a multi-instrumentalist and composer, he bewitches us with intoxicating dreams.
“The man who makes Tango seriously cool!” The Independent
“A mesmerising stage presence.” The Times
“Imagine a proud hybrid of Paolo Conte and Ian Dury, with the facial mannerisms of a silent-film heavy.” The Guardian
Daniel Melingo: vocals, clarinet
Muhammad Habbibi el Rodra Guerra: electric guitar, saw
Pedro Onetto: piano,
“Marques” Gustavo Paglia: bandoneón
Patricio Cotella: double bass