"On albums such as Sandinista and Combat Rock The Clash celebrated the politics of international revolution and drew inspiration from the cultures of Latin America, the Caribbean and elsewhere. Some of that love is returned in Spanish Bombs."
The Times

The best moments were those where the punk-era classics were given a dramatically new Latin setting, as when Ruben Albarrán of Mexico's Café Tacuba produced a spirited, accordion-backed treatment of Complete Control or Barcelona's Amparo Sánchez provided a confident, largely Spanish, treatment of Spanish Bombs or Police On My Back."
The Guardian

"The Clash's political force political meaning and musical force seem redoubled."
The Independent

Spanish Bombs is a celebration of the music of legendary band The Clash put through a Latin music filter. From the dawn of punk in the mid seventies until the early nineties the internationalism and tunes of London’s finest spoke to a generation of Latin musicians from Buenos Aires to Barcelona. Spanish Bombs now returns the love.

The original band came together for La Linea in London and Liverpool in April 2009 was subsequently revived for Personal Fest in Buenos Aires and in that process turned from a project into a band.
Spanish Bombs is releasing tunes in 2012 and coming together for a string of special live events.
Spanish Bombs is managed by Como No.

